Friday, November 4, 2011

I blame Patrick Rothfuss

Hey there. It's been a while.

The art's slowed down some over the last couple of months. I'd like to say it's because work and life picked up for me, but really I've just been in a bit of a slump. Except for those three weeks where all my earthly attention was consumed by the literary gem that is 'The Kingkiller Chronicles'. Specifically, the second book 'The Wise Man's Fear', which came out very recently. I was on that library book like a madwoman.

Anyhoo, I've come out the other side, rattled but arguably intact, and I've done a little more art. Most of this is pre-slump, but a little comes after. Hopefully, I'll get more done as I beat my wimpy motivation into shape. In case anybody actually reads this blog, have you got any advice on how to do that? Thanks in advance. Also, you're awesome for reading my stuff. No, seriously. I love you.

Avatar: Winter Persephone

Avatar: Kupo Kurumi

Avatar: Aemizen

Avatars: Sonek Renaissance

Avatar: Silenced Arbor

Avatar: Electro Feel


Avatar: mayra betch

Avatar: Cotton Kinky

Avatar: crackerlover
+bassist from Maroon 5

Dream Avatar: MissGrotesque

To me, it's pretty clear where the slump begins and ends and begins again and then stumbles and breaks a hip and has to go to the hospital and get a body cast and get hooked on pain meds and go into atrophy and hobble around like an octogenarian but then comes out of it with the power of hope and love and Jesus and makes a full recovery that the doctors said wouldn't happen and lives a long and happy life filled with flowers and kittens and sunshine. And gets therapy. Lots and lots of therapy.

Where am I?