Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1: Harpy

So, my good friend and fellow artist, Corvus convinced me to try out this 30-day monster-drawing challenge with her. All my skills and resolve are being tested with this month-long meme, as I have a consistent tendency towards laziness. But I shall do my best to complete the challenge!

The first subject was a harpy. I'm off to a fantastic start--I completely forgot that the title of the challenge was '30 Day Monster Girls Challenge' and drew a man. I started out with a woman in mind, but somehow my pen took on a life of its own. Oh, well. I'd like to think he looks pretty spiffy.

See you tomorrow! This ought to be an exciting October! 

1 comment:

Rowdy said...

it's like a human cocktrice! pretty cool. i'm gonna follow this challenge as i love monsters. so don't slack!