Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I recently had the good fortune to reconnect with a friend I made around the time that I moved to the city, but with whom I had lost contact because of our drastically different work schedules. Our reunion has been a rewarding one, and we've been having infrequent loads of fun ever since.

Last night, she and another close friend of mine got together for a ladies' night out. Now, we're all rather introverted people, but also happily identify as nerds/geeks/weird ladies, so conversation was slightly halting but quite engaging. Until we got to the subject of the subconscious.

I can't remember if it started with talk about dreams or not (it could have been our attempts to figure out our personal D&D stats to find out what our classes in real life were; BIG fun), but we were discussing the various fascinations of the subconscious and how one might interpret such curious aspects of the mind when I began to recall a talent I had developed some years ago but hadn't used in some time. I used to be able to 'read' people. Now, like then, I am inclined to preface this by saying that this is not a hokey spiritual thing; I'm not psychic or reading your aura or magically gleaning anything from your person. I just look at a person, consider the impression that they make on me, and begin rattling off about aspects their personality reminds me of. Sometimes I get strong impressions. Sometimes I just get a few images in my mind. Last night, I was able to revisit this ability, and it was incredibly therapeutic. After sharing my impressions with my two friends, I felt released; like I'd been confined for too long and was finally able to stretch. I felt worn, like I'd just got done exercising some long-unused muscles. It was glorious, and I like to think my friends had a good time of it as well. From what I could tell, my perceptions rang fairly true. I even found that I could do it without the person needing to be present (I 'read' one of their spouses).

I don't suppose this much matters to anyone who is not me or who doesn't want one of my strange readings, but, like with my last post, I felt the need to share. To get it recorded and put up somewhere. I'm on this honesty kick, and putting out details of my life that speak to who I am and how desperately weird I happen to be is rather liberating. Thus the sharing.

Oh, and I did a sketch the other night. It was fun. First time I'd used my tablet in a while. I need to keep using that thing.

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