Monday, December 20, 2010

THE Avatar

G'mornin, all!

So, anyone who knows me knows that I am a HUGE fan of Avatar. No, not the thing with the blue cat people--although, that was pretty spiffy as well--the Last Airbender! No, not that M. Night Shamllamallamalan's rip-off--the original animated cartoon! Mike and Brian's golden child (with the unfortunate ending taking place during the writer's strike). Yeah, that one. With the brilliant concept built upon by fun scripting, a super voice cast, ground-breaking music, and a spectacular array of engaging details, Avatar; the Last Airbender, is one of those shows that will go down in infamy as one of the best cartoons ever made, and will always host a substantial fanbase, myself included.

In any case, I found a group on Deviantart, one of my all-time favorite art sites, that is building off the much-anticipated sequel of our beloved cartoon and has created a handful of element-based gangs with values and goals which aspiring and accomplished artists alike can join and improve their skills (and rank) by illustrating or writing about different missions their fan character gets sent on. My intention is to apply to join, so I took an old fan sketch out of a REAL old sketchbook, and made this little sun-shiney squirt.

She ain't finished yet, but I've got her backstory all picked out, and I should be able to apply very soon!

If this sounds like something fun, and you'd like to join, you're going to need a Deviantart account (they're free!) and this link:

Long live the Avatar!

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