Thursday, January 20, 2011

Having fun!

Okay, this is my mantra--gotta have fun! Gotta have FUN while I'm drawing.

I have issues. Anyone who knows me knows this. At the moment, that's limited to my bf. And whomever happens to be reading this. And more recently, I've made it my mission to fix these issues! And the one I'm working on right now is HAVING MORE FUN. Because I've realized that I've thus far only been 'satisfied' or 'unsatisfied' with the general outcome of my pictures instead of just enjoying the process! Isn't that sad? I think that's sad. And I wanna be happy! So I'm gonna fix it! Fix fix fix! :3

      OC: Seika19

   Avi: Queen Riah

Oh, and I think I failed to mention this before, but just because Gaians choose to outfit their avatars with less than what you might like to find in public, doesn't mean I exclusively endorse half- or less-than-half-clothed characters. But I do endorse staying true to my references! What you see is what you get! If you don't like it... well, I'm sorry.

Same goes for tobacco products, really. I think I've drawn maybe five or six characters with cigarettes or pipes, none of which I had a fondness for. When I was a kid, I'd hide my parents' cigarettes or throw them out. Well, once. Then I got yelled at and cried. I don't like cigarettes. But I like staying true to my art! So that wins out. Sorry anyone who takes offense!

1 comment:

Rebel Dragon said...

do you do any nonGaia art these days?