Wednesday, July 11, 2012


For no reason at all, I decided on a change of scene this morning. Walked the half mile to my local coffee shop and worked on one of my recent projects there for a couple of hours. None of you will have heard of this, but it's called 'Arcana' and it's the delightful brainbaby of myself and a friend borne of countless head-together hours over the interwebs. Very proud of it. Anyway, I'm walking back in the early afternoon and I see a handful of bugs zooming around a little ways down the sidewalk. As I get closer, I wonder what these bugs must have been attracted by. Assuming they're flies of some kind, I look around for some stray garbage or--gods forbid--fresh roadkill. But as I'm glancing around, I catch a closer glimpse of one of them and realize that they have yellow stripes. In the same breath, I catch sight of a dark cloud just over the fence of the house I'm passing and realize with no small amount of terror--this is a swarm of wasps. I'm walking right by a cloud of angry wasps. Little thought goes into my wrapping my jacket quickly around myself and bolting, dusting my hair and clothing for any unwanted passengers. Fortunately, I was not stung. But I'm still wondering hours later what the hell pissed so many of them off--and whether or not the people in that house were planning on leaving at all that day.

Last night, I started a prompt pact with another artist friend of mine. The first prompt was 'a person caught in a strong wind'. Because of dinner obligations, I didn't get it all finished, but I'm rather happy with the progress I've made in a short time. Now I'm just debating continuing with it on paper or digitizing it--but I am enjoying the feel of a real pencil on paper for a change.

Oh, and the water came back on this morning. Yay!

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